God Says In Matthew 7:7 :
"Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
In this verse God Says about Three types of Seeking which we need from Our Heavenly Father.
1. Ask :
God says to "Ask" what ever your demand is there ..without asking how one can know your internal expectations and likeness. Prayer is the one of the main activity in our life to direct connect with God and ask him for what is our needs.
2. Seeking :
In present time and age we don't want to do work in perfect manner and aspect for big result. But God knows, how to make you learn, "How to seek". He make us stronger by giving chance to face various difficulties, and facing them we learn to find the things,what we need.
In the same manner "we have to make prayer from God in the right way"
3. Knocking :
We have to beg from God, he is the only one who have the power and grace to open the heavenly door for us. Without him, know one can able to See the Heavenly Father.